Let’s talk about self-care; self-care is a must for your mental health. So, what is self-care? Sometimes it is as simple as taking a luxurious bubble bath and ordering your favorite take out other times it could be more in-depth. Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and make you happy. That will not only improve your physical health but also your mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your anxiety and help you live a less hectic life. We get so caught up in our everyday routine that we forget how essential it is to put ourselves first. Get dressed up go to your favorite restaurant and date yourself. Treat yourself get a massage or a pedicure. Take a day trip to the city or a nearby state. Take an hour in your day to disconnect yourself and do anything you like, read your favorite book, watch your favorite show, or take a nap. Start your days with a positive affirmation and end your day by reflecting on the goals you achieved. It is perfectly fine to put yourself first and it is not selfish to set boundaries while on your self-care time. During this time no one should be able to disrupt it. Journaling is one of the best ways to self-care. When having a bad day take your journal and write it out as if no one will ever read it, let all your negative feelings and energy be released into your journal. Understand that you are unique no one else in the world could be you.
Self-care is super important! Thanks for writing this.